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我们公司是具二十年科研、生产、销售于一体的汽车制动企业,拥有一座五吨高效热风炉,两个浇铸造型车间,两个机加工车间,精良的机加工设备、先进的理化检测和最新式的抛丸清沙处理,生产各种型号的汽车制动铸件。主要产品有国产、进口汽车、半挂车、全挂车底盘件,制动鼓、轮毂、制动蹄等,产品质量稳定可靠,畅销国内外,深受用户信赖。竭诚欢迎广大新老客户与我们洽谈贸易,建立良好的业务关系。We are a professional brake drum factory and into business for over 20 years ,we have one 5 tons of efficient hot-blast stove ,two modeling casting workshop ,two machining workshop,sophisticated machining equipment ,advanced physical and chemical testing and the latest clearance sand shot blasting treatment . The main products are brake drums ,wheel hubs... [详细介绍]